Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Few Things To Keep You Informed...

It's a busy time in room 20! Today the students will be enjoying their time outside as "Minion Chasers" (their chosen team name) during the Kindergarten Winter Carnivale! Tomorrow, February 12, they are encouraged to wear yellow as part of a school wide spirit day. Each class in every division will be wearing a different colour, so if you have other siblings in the school, don't be confused by the different colour instructions! We will also be making yellow Minion headbands to wear tomorrow to help display our school and class spirit.

As mentioned in earlier posts, Thursday, February 19th will be our next open house in room 20. Parents are invited to join our class at 12:40 as students finish up their lunches and then observe a typical group activity in our classroom. The open house will run from 12:40-1:10. Future dates for the months of March and April will be posted shortly.

Lastly, we are looking for four volunteers who can join us Thursday March 12 to help out with our Scientists in the School program. This is a Parent Council funded event that helps lead Science based workshops and learning centres in the classroom. Volunteers would need to be available from 12:45 until near the end of the day (3:30ish). Please email us if you are able to help out.

Thank you!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Solar System Taste Test

This week, as our space inquiry continues, students will be making a model of the solar system using the following food items: yellow peppers, veggie crackers, lemons, blue berries, short cake, radishes, pepperoni, oranges, dried apricots,  and blueberry fruit bars. There will be a taste test component to this activity. If you have any concerns with your children eating any of the above items, please let us know by Wednesday so that we can make sure to exclude the food, or provide a substitute. Thank you !