Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Update


News Items:

Many parents have been asking when we will be performing our play "Les trois petits cochons". We will be putting a special open house and 'spectacle' in early June and we will let you know shortly the exact date and time. 

We are very busy in room 20 right now and we have a couple different inquiries going on. The students are interested in plants and flowers and have opened a flower shop in our dramatic play area. They have also planted beans and making keen observations and drawings of their growth. We are also interested in clouds and are learning all about different types of clouds and how they are formed. Another mini inquiry (sparked by an impromptu introduction of fancy hot wheel cars to the toy bins) is ramps and tubes. Many of our boys and girls have experimented with building ramps and slides out of blocks and paper towel tubes to test how far or high their cars will go!

What We're Working On:


We have been learning about number patterns and reviewing counting by 2s. We will also be reviewing many of the math concepts we have been working on throughout the past few months as we approach the end of the year and continuing to work on simple addition. 

Literacy: We will continue to work on recognizing high frequency sight words in French such as 'les', 'le' 'la', 'ma' 'tu' and 'je' and will be expanding our list of words we can read at a glance.  We will also continue working more on our writing journals in French and English and writing full sentences with appropriate punctuation. We have also been focusing on developing critical thinking skills through literary experiences and have read many fairy tales and other stories and begun to ask deep thinking questions and writing an drawing responses to what we've read. 

Science: We have have been learning about the life cycle of plants and watching our beans grow!

Sensory Play: Gardening centre!

Art: we are currently displaying beautiful mixed media paintings/collages of rainforest birds for Arts Alive a have just completed a top secret art project ;)

Home Connection:

1) Our home reading program will continue until the end of next week but will then be wrapping up. ** Please send back any books tounmay have at home and your child's reading program ziplock.
We encourage you to continue reading daily with your child in French and English but will not be sending home books on a weekly basis. We will instead be sending home a simple math problem solving booklet that can be completed once a week an returned in the ziplock. Instructions will be included in the bag. 
*please note that we will not be "correcting" or marking these math problems. They are simply for practicing and reinforcing the skills we are working on in class. 

2) As it seems that spring is finally here and warmer weather is coming our way, please remember to send your kiddo in layers of clothing (since temperatures seem to change quite a bit throughout the day) and with a hat and sunscreen so we can safely and happily play outside and enjoy the end of our hibernation season. :) 

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