Sunday, March 8, 2015

Update March 2015

 A little update...

News Items:

March 10- Junior Students Musical performance

March 12- Scientists in the Schools Visit 

March 13- Twin Day and Movie and Popcorn prize in afternoon 

We are very interested in rainforest animals right now and have started to learn about differet animals and their habitat. We have started to work on a mini research project where students chose an animal to learn about and research. Please ask your child about which animal thy have chosen and what they are learning so far. (Note that they did not have to chose a rainforest animal) As always, we encourage you to ask our child questions at home about what they are learning and what they are wondering about. 

What We're Working On:


We have been learning about 3D shapes and how many sides, corners, etc that they have. We will also be reviewing many of the math concepts we have been working on and continuing to work on simple addition. 

Literacy: We will continue to work on recognizing high frequency sight words in French such as 'les', 'le' 'la', 'ma' 'tu' and 'je'. Look for a full list of sound blends and sight words that will be sent home this week for your child to practice.  We will also continue working more on our writing journals in French and English and writing both lists and full sentences. 

Science: We are exploring scientific tools such as magnifying glasses and discussing animal habitats and possibly ecosystems if our inquiries lead in that direction. 

Sensory Play: Coffee beans and rainforest animals for small parts/dramatic play. 

Home Connection:

1) Our home reading program will continue this week as usual. We will also be sending home the script of the play we have started working on called "Les trois petits cochons" that your child can read with you and do the gestures (this is an AIM play which is an approach to teaching language that pairs a hand gesture with spoken words to help visual and kinesthetic learners. 

2) Please remind your child (we have talked to them in class) that we ask that they leave their stuffed animals and toys at home. They can become distractions, cause conflicts or be lost or dirtied in our classroom and are better left at home. Thank you for your help and support with this!

3) Also, check for the 3 petits cochons song in your child's note tote this week!

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