Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Successful First Week... and a Poll for Parents

What a great first week! Only a couple days of SK but they were good ones! We are so excited for the rest of the school year! We worked hard these past couple days getting to know each other and the rules and routines of our classroom. We will continue to practice them next week. 

Today we reviewed some things like our classroom jobs. Every student in Room 20 has a job to do. Our job chart highlights 11 different jobs that the students rotate through in pairs and do for the week. We let you know this so that when your child comes home and tells you their job is to scrub the tables, you understand that each child has a weekly job, not that they are having some sort of unusual punishment :)

The jobs are as follows: 
-Line leader
-Materials manager
-Frog Feeder
-Table Scrubber
-Chair pusher
-Garbage & Recycling
-Cubby Inspector (tidy & organize cubby area)
-Centre Inspector (checks to make sure every centre is tidied properly)
-Vacation (A week off from classroom jobs!)

Thanks to a curious young friend who brought in a very cute and fuzzy caterpillar, we started a neat inquiry at our science centre about caterpillars! We had lots of questions like: Will it make a cocoon? Will it become a butterfly or a moth? What does it need to live? This weekend, Mme Byrd, Mrs. Steeves, Mme Gilda and Mme Shanna will be looking for good books on caterpillars and planning fun things we can do to learn more about our fuzzy new friend!

Have a great weekend!

PS- We have added a quick poll for parents to complete in the right sidebar. Please take a second to answer the question there. Our blog is currently open to the public. We were thinking that some parents may not feel comfortable if we post pictures of their child on an open blog. This blog can easily be made private- meaning it would only be viewable to Broadview parents after they sign in. While this would require you to do another step, it would allow us to freely post pictures of what is going on in our classroom. Please let us know your thoughts! If you have concerns or questions not answered by the poll please do not hesitate to contact us!

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